Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention or Multi-tier System of Supports is the practice of providing high-quality instruction and interventions matched to student need, monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instruction or goals and applying child response data to important educational decisions.

          NASDSE, RtI: Policy Considerations and Implementation, 2005 (emphasis added)


Core Principals…

1.   We can effectively teach all children.
2.   Intervene early.
3.   Use a multi-tier model of support.
4.   Use a problem-solving method for decision making.
5.   Research-based interventions/instruction to the extent available.
6.   Monitor student progress to inform instruction.
7.   Use data to make decisions.
8.   Use assessment for different purposes.


Universal Screening Windows - Student Outcome Screeners

FALL: 9/2/24 - 9/27/24
1/6/25 - 1/31/25
SPRING: 4/28/25 - 5/23/25
for:  PELI

FALL: 8/26/2024 - 9/13/24
WINTER: 1/6/25 - 1/17/25
SPRING: 5/5/25 - 5/16/25
for: Acadience (formerly DIBELS Next)
AIMSweb ORF/Maze
Early Numeracy
AAIMS Algebra
Writing CBM
FALL: August and September
WINTER: January and February
for:  MiBLSi District Capacity Assessment
NO specific windows for:
Office Discipline Referral Monthly Review
SPRING ONLY: April/Early May
for:  Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory
SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory

Universal Screening Data Storage


Grades K-6 (Acadience Reading): Enter test scores into  When scores are complete, notify HISD so that data can be imported into Skyward.  Schools can print parent reports from their Acadience account.

Grades 7-8 (AIMSweb):  Enter test scores into the Universal Screening spreadsheet that is sent to the district data coordinator each fall. Return completed spreadsheets to Huron ISD to be imported into Skyward.  A mail merge parent report is available; contact HISD for assistance.


Grades K-12:  Enter test scores into the Universal Screening spreadsheet that is sent to the district data coordinator each fall. Return completed spreadsheets to Huron ISD to be imported into Skyward.  A mail merge parent report is available; contact HISD for assistance.


Grades K-6 (Acadience): Enter test scores into  Schools can print parent reports from their Acadience account.

Grades 6, 7, 8, and Algebra 1 (AAIMS Algebra):  Enter test scores into the Universal Screening spreadsheet that is sent to the district data coordinator each fall. Return completed spreadsheets to Huron ISD to be imported into Skyward.  A mail merge parent report is available; contact HISD for assistance.

For assistance, contact Jenni Trusock or Jo Manenti with data entry or import questions.

Mail Merge Documents for Individual Student Reports

Individual student reports can be used to share universal screening scores for reading, writing, and mathematics. Templates below can be modified to include school name and PBIS expectations.  Schools can add or delete measures from the template to meet their needs.

Complete reports by hand or by using a mail merge process.  To use the mail merge reports, contact Jenni Trusock for a Universal Screening Spreadsheet. Click for mail merge directions  or for more information about managing screening data.